The Framework
In order to form a three-dimensional shape in the image of our visual experiences, I argue that we ought to consider the skeletons that surround us. The branches and roots of trees and the pretty veins that can be found on the leaves of plants. I'd like to explore more of the composition of these skeletal inspirations in the natural world and experiment with such shapes and structures in my ceramic work.
Rather like the composite elements of any structure, there lie innumerable tiny pieces which combine to form a greater whole. These tiny skeletons form the framework of larger structures, like cells in an organism. The thin plates that form the basic framework of a structure intersect to form rigid constructions. The various combinations of these microcosmic plates, and their shape, area and angle allows for infinite morphological possibilities in ceramic design, and herein lies my intrigue and passion for the craft.
Framework02, white clay, handbuilding, oxidation firing, 2023
Framework01, white clay, handbuilding, oxidation firing, 2023